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Bracelets to Boost Your Intentions and Channel your Energy

Bracelets to Boost Your Intentions and Channel your Energy

Wearing jewelry, especially bracelets, allows you to feel the energy from the crystals throughout your entire day. Whether you’re wearing just one bracelet, or many, you will be sure to pursue your intentions and channel your energy! Before choosing what bracelets, you’d like to wear, it is important to determine where you plan to channel your energy and how you would like to boost your intentions! Your left and right arm both have different intentions and energy.


-        Receives energy

-        Thinking & Encouraging

-        Yin-Feminine Essence


-        Gives energy

-        Physical action

-        Yang-Masculine Essence


Now that you’ve determined where you’re going to wear these beautiful crystal bracelets, here are a few bracelets that will help you boost your intentions and channel your energy!




Amazonite is an amazing crystal for building on your intentions and energy. This energy crystal is known for motivating you to take action and to speak your truth. It also assists in releasing the judgement of others. This bracelet will help you stay focused and clear sighted on your goals and intentions both daily and long term. To ensure you are receiving these energies as opposed to giving the energy to those around you and your environment, be mindful that you are wearing it on your left arm!



Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal that carries such a strong energy that is great for both arms. This crystal as a bracelet will assist in encouraging peace within your surroundings and even within yourself. This bracelet will have you feeling empowered to recognize that you already are and have enough and that you should be proud of that! Lapis Lazuli also shines through when it comes to knowledge so it is a great crystal to wear when you’re going to school or learning something new!




Shungite is one of the best crystals to have on you when you’re looking for a sense of security. The energy from Shungite is more of a protection energy. If you’re looking for protection from your surroundings or feel like you need some sort of comfort and security, Shungite is the energy crystal for you! Shungite bracelets are best to be worn on your left arm as it allows you to receive protection, however, if you are looking to give protection to a loved one or share that protection with your surrounds, it is best on your right arm!




Amethyst is a very well-known crystal and that’s because the energy from Amethyst is so powerful! Amethyst energy releases negative patterns and increases many factors in your life such as spirituality and intuition. Wearing an Amethyst bracelet will not only enhance your intuition, but it will also help you navigate your journey through psychic powers. This crystal is also great for meditation, sleep and dream recollection which is great because you’ll barely notice the bracelet when you’re asleep!




Citrine is such a unique crystal! The power from this crystal is channeled towards manifesting and attracting wealth. This is a great crystal bracelet to wear to work or to business meetings because of the energy it has to attract wealth and prosperity. This bracelet is also just great to wear any time of the day because the energy from this crystal also channels positive energy leaving you feeling happy and light throughout the day! If your intention for the day is to stay positive, Citrine is the perfect crystal bracelet for that!



Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the ideal crystal for setting intentions when it comes to love. This love doesn’t have to be only in romantic or intimate relationships, it can be self-love, universal love, love for family and friends! This energy crystal creates a peaceful confidence within yourself and within your surroundings. Depending on which arm you choose to wear this bracelet on, you will feel an abundance of love for yourself or want to give lots of love to those around you!  




Sunstone is such a bright and happy crystal! Just like how it sounds, sunstone provides a lot of sunshine like energy. Sunstone will make you feel like you’re a plant, soaking up all the sun and growing into a taller plant. Sunstone helps you with your growth and helps you feel good doing it! This crystal energy bracelet can be worn on either arm because with growth, you learn to give and receive and take what you need to become who you are! This is a personal favourite and I would suggest wearing this one all throughout your day!

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  • Jenn Bheemsingh